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< SAJNL5845JC149264 SAJNA584XKC149302 >
  XJ-S Signal Red
 Left Hand Drive 
  31 May 1988
  La CanĂ£da
 February 1988 United States
 1989 Signal Red
 2016 Tan
 Work In Progress 
 Original Longview
United StatesUnited States



Record Creation: Entered on 17 March 2016.



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2016-03-16 22:28:36 | Tyler Payne writes:

I rescued this 89 XJS from a Pick and Pull scrap yard in Portland Oregon, although the car had Washington plates. I bought it as a whole project car in October of 2014 and drove it onto the tow truck. I have put alot of money in the car so far and have a lot more to go. The car had Dayton wire wheels on it and a damaged front bumper skin and trim in front. The original owner was Derek Dunn. I wish I could here the stories of this cars life. My XJS just drove to the gas station for the first time since 2008.

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